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Friday December 20th~ Solstice Semi-Private Medicine Ceremony


There will only be 3-5 participants in this ceremony.  If you want more physical space, more individual attention to process, more time with just you and the medicine and the fire with music, if you want to be in a smaller circle and get to spend time in each of the 4 directions, this may be the ceremony for you!

ONAC Membership required- contact me if you need assistance with this process~

If you are signing up with with someone else, there is a $50 discount for each person.


We are working with grandfather medicine (peyote) in the tipi.


If you have a small group that you want to schedule, please contact me.

If you are wanting to participate on a different date, please contact me and we can schedule to get a small group together.

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:


Lana Fink, MSW

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Salt Lake City, UT

801-347-3008 (text)

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